Manjaro i3wm
This post stores notes about my latest #linux laptop setup based on Manjaro i3 (community edition).
User's Guide & Forum
This user's guide is definitely worth reading: The community forum can be found here:
It fills in the data into the i3bar, which creates the bar on the bottom of the screen with the system tray.
To customize the data being shown, copy /etc/.i3status.conf
to ~/.i3status.conf
and start editing it.
It puts metrics and other text on your wallpaper. You can find the config file in ~/.config
or you can just disable it all together by commenting out the line in ~/.i3/config
that starts conky at the start of i3wm.
rofi instead of dmenu
I prefer rofi over dmenu, so I replaced it in ~/.i3/config
To change its theme, run rofi-theme-selector
from terminal.
rofi-calc is a calculator plugin for rofi. You can install it with
pamac install rofi-calc
Once installed, you can map it on $mod+c with
bindsym $mod+c exec --no-startup-id "rofi -dpi 1 -show calc -modi calc -no-show-match -no-sort > /dev/null"
LightDM is the display manager of choice in Manjaro i3 and it uses the slick-greeter by default. The config file can be found here:
Colors of the LS command
To change the colors of the LS command in XTerm add the following lines to .bashrc:
alias ls='ls --color'
export LS_COLORS